"Week #...??? I Think I'm Getting Lost"
Oct 28
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Greetings and salutations from El Paso, Texas!
would first of all like to clarify, that me saying "howdy" here is
pretty much received as it was in Utah. I'm still weird, woo! Oh, and my
companion summarized El Paso pretty well. We were walking by two men
cleaning their yard. He said, "Raking rocks and blowing dirt. That
summarizes El Paso pretty well." It's true. Their yard care makes a
wonderful parallel for this wonderful town. The symbolism is powerful.
Misc. quotes of the week:
A bunch of kids were playing in the grass (Grass is rare here, so it's kind of mind blowing), and this conversation occurred:
Child #1: "We need to take a break.
Child #2: There are no breaks...
Child #1: But he has asthma!...
Child #2: Just death."
Adrian is a retired cop with coarse-language, and tiny
chicken legs. He claims, and very likely did have, a spiritual
encounter where a light started illuminating the area he was in,
etc...... It was pretty convoluted but I guess it was possibly
spiritual. He thinks it was. Here was his reaction:
"I was so afraid, my butthairs clinched together. It was like sandpaper rubbing back and forth."
Good stuff! I'll try to have funny quotes every week. People say the darndest things...
This past week was very exciting. We
baptized Nick this past Saturday. My companion baptized him and I
confirmed him in church. It was super awesome to already be having
baptisms. When we first came out to NM, they said this is a baptizing
mission. The only standard of excellence for our mission is to baptize
weekly. It's deceiving simple and takes a lot of planning and effort,
but it's very rewarding. Unfortunately, we won't have a baptism on the
2nd because the people preparing for that date are impossible to get in
contact with and are probably avoiding us.
We've got the most amazing family EVER. The Jones
family is progressing so well! Brother Jones has pretty bad PTSD from
being a field medic in Iraq for three years. He's seen the worst side of
humanity to say the least. He's handling it through some pretty intense
therapy and of course, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
His wife is stellar as well, and their kids are hooked on Church (yes
it's okay to be addicted to Church). We had to rush them out of Church
early this past Sunday because the wife is almost full term with her
baby boy, so we aren't sure what happened. They'll be baptized on
November 9th, hopefully along with Carlos Figuero, someone we've been
teaching for a long time.
I've definitely seen how tricky our
reactivation efforts are. There are ~550 inactive members in our ward,
so we visit tons of Less Actives.
One cool
experience I'd like to share happened yesterday, this past Sunday. I was
really pushing for us to try to meet our goals, but no one was
answering their doors after hours of looking for Less Actives and Recent
Converts, etc. We said a prayer and pondered many names. Without
thinking much of it through, we chose one house and went there quickly.
The Spirit guided us to catch him at a time when he wasn't working and
to help him out. He even asked us to teach him, which never happens. He
said he really needed us that night. He's been going single-parent
status for awhile, which is everywhere, so it's really hard for him.
Also, the two other houses we visited that night, I turned to their
favorite scriptures and shared them without knowing they were their
favorites. They both said they really needed that too. Super cool.
So many people are lost and confused. It's a hard
world. I've seen so many people seemingly depraved of knowledge and
direction in life. We had a prayer with someone we taught the other day
that went for almost twenty minutes. He had huge pauses because he was
crying. He's lost a lot of friends lately (I assume to drugs), and he's
unable to find truth in this world right now. I'm excited to teach him
and bring joy into his life. I hugged him and told him, at the very
least, that we love him, and more importantly, God loves him.
The world is hungry. There's been a famine of words for
too long. People need to hear the truth. The greatest gift you can give
is to share the Gospel. Don't be selfish and keep it to yourself. Too
much has happened, and too much has been sacrificed to let it all go to
waste. The work is hastening. We have the words of eternal life.
This week's recommended reading: John 6.
What are you doing to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ?