Sunday, June 15, 2014

Elder Jonathan Engle 06/11/2014 Life Is Still Crazy Here in Brazil

Life Is Still Crazy Here in Brazil

Dear People of Earth,

Life is still crazy here in Brazil. I almost forgot it was my Birthday last week, but it turned out well. In general, we had a lot of birthdays in our branch. One was really funny. A member announced during Gospel Principles that he´d have a party Friday night at 7pm the next week. We planned to show up and everything and he arrived 8:30pm. It´s a miracle that we stayed for him. He also said that in June he remembered that he had forgotten about his birthday which was in April, so he decided to have it then. It was a lot of work, but hey, cake is cake!

We´re really seeing continually that this is the Lord´s work and not ours. This Sunday we worked so hard to have non-members at Church. The Lord provided one man who came, but provided 5 less-active members. One family is really overcoming a mountain of obstacles. It´s a simple miracle of seeing the Atonement work in their lives. I´m just simply grateful for the simple blessings the Lord gives us when we do our part.

Elder Engle

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