Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Elder Jonathan Engle 07/09/2014 A Tearful Day Indeed

A Tearful Day Indeed

Dear People of Earth,

Naturally, we must begin with news about the World Cup. If you haven´t already heard, Brazil lost against Germany, 7-1. I was a humiliating defeat and embarrassing to say the least. Now, imagine with me, how Brazilians feel about anyone who looks German (me). It´s not the kindest of feelings. We´ve been yelled at a lot in the streets ever since that game. Actually, the World Cup interrupts the work a lot, which is quite frustrating. It was really quite sad when Brazil lost. Everyone was and still is very very sad. Brazil put all its eggs in a very big basket, which fell horrifically. It´s a huge bummer, but they´ll play again this Saturday for 3rd place.

Miracle Story:

This past Sunday was one of those miracle stories that end up in the Ensign. Two Sundays ago, we had 67 people in Church, which isn´t very much for a ward. The following week, we worked like crazy and saw a lot of success. Ironically, on Sunday, hardly anyone we had commitments from came, but the Lord blessed us greatly, with 130 people in church. Our Sacrament Meeting attendance doubled, which I believe was a new high. Also, the Fast and Testimony meeting was very powerful. I found myself crying as I realized that after hearing miracle story after miracle story after miracle story of all the amazing things missionaries do in Brazil, I was sitting there experiencing it. It felt amazing and helped me to better understand God´s plan for us. He didn´t bless us as we originally thought He would, but He blessed us nevertheless.

Also, someone we taught this week for the first time with us committed to read the entire Book of Mormon this week, surprising his less-active wife, him only beginning to investigate. It was funny how spooked she was. She didn´t want to commit because it´s so much reading, but he was very firm about reading the Book of Mormon, which was very cool. He knows a little English too, so he´s going to read my copy of Our Legacy as well. It was really cool to see such enthusiasm for the book.

Anyway, things are good in this Brazilian neighborhood! Here´s an awesome video about missionary work in Brazil, which is totally true. The work´s going crazy over here! Brazil really is changing the world in the eyes of the Church.

Eu amo todos de vocês. Todos nos somos imperfeitos, mas Deus nos ama e tem um plano por cada um de nos. Tchau meus amigos!

Elder Engle

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