Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Elder Jonathan Engle 07/16/2014 Milagres


Dear People of Earth,

I have to confess, the scale that I used to weigh myself was broken. Either that, or I´ve gained a lot in my new area. I currently weigh 163 pounds, so I only lost about 10-15 pounds instead of 20. It´s still a good chunk.

Well, the World Cup is over, thankfully. That was embarrassing...

This week has been miraculous. One of the many miracles we saw this week was a woman preparing for baptism. She wasn´t really sure if she was ready, so the missionary taught about the spirit in the work. He testified of things that are true and explained the spirit that was there, then he testified of thigns that aren´t true and how the spirit left, then invited the spirit back with more testimony. It was cool to see how that helped her to resolve her concerns. As members of the church, we become too accustomed and comfortable with having the constant companionship of a member of the Godhead. One of the members of the Godhead is not to be taken for granted. It is a marvellous gift.

I loved reading 2 Nephi 29 for a short study this week, which talks about why we need the Bible and The Book of Mormon. They both bring us unto the truth and light that we´re looking for. Something very interesting for me is my growing testimony in the Bible on my mission. As I´ve had time to get to know it better, it´s interesting how passages that were once mysteries are opened before me as I study these things out.

Also, here´s another gospel video about Brazil!

Elder Engle

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