Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Elder Jonathan Engle 08/20/2014 Bom Demais

Bom Demais
Dear People of Earth,
As always, this week has been another wild one here in Cidade Operária em São Luis, Maranhão, Brazil. Yesterday I received a new temporary companion from Codó, who I actually already met from when I served in Caxias. He´s incredible and it´s nice to have a companion after two weeks without a companion, because I´ve had so many changes of companion, he´s my 19th companion and I haven´t even hit one year in the mission!
We´ll be moving our house soon, for many complicated reasons, which will be a ton of work, but it´ll be worthwhile in the end.
Next week I´ll send the photos, but we had another baptism this last Saturday. Her name is Rosangela and she´s been trying to get baptized for almost a month now. This Saturday was her third attempt to get baptized, and each time, something went wrong. This last Saturday, half an hour before the baptism, her son broke his arm skating and went to the hospital. Unperturbed, we picked her up from the hospital, left her son in a relative´s home and baptized her in the church. The meeting was very spiritual. Ths experience of baptizing someone is something I would never trade for all the riches of the world. Her purity as she came out of the water is something I will never forget. It was absolutely incredible. My testimony of baptism is growing more and more.
Today and yesterday I´ve had an awful migraine that´s been killing me, but I´m very thankful for this challenge that the Lord´s given me. He´s been giving me many lately, but not coincidentally, I´m growing a lot lately as well. These challenges really are for our benefit and growth.

I´m reminded of the last verse in Doctrine and Covenants Section 123, which talks about doing everything happily in the church. It really is true. If we´re not happy with our work with the Lord, we´re not doing it right! We´re supposed to be happy because of the Gospel! We have every reason to be the happiest people in the world, so let´s be just that, the happiest people in the world!

Elder Engle
D&C 123
 17 Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

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