Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Elder Jonathan Engle 03/18/2014 Ain't Nobody Got Time For That! I've Got Bronchitis!

Elder Jonathan Engle 03/18/2014

Ain't Nobody Got Time For That! I've Got Bronchitis!

Dear People of Earth,
The header for my email is a reference to a youtube video that is now incredibly ironic to me. I've actually had bronchitis for almost a month now, without ever really knowing what was wrong until this week. It's made biking much harder, but given my health, I'm absolutely amazed that I've been able to keep on keeping on. Angels really do attend those engaged in His work.
This week I've fallen off my bike twice. I know, I'm making a great case for the quality of my health. The first one, I skid out on some loose rocks that I tapped the brakes on, re-spraining my recently healed wrist. Woe is me... The second, I came off of a curb and lost control of my front tire, so my front end wrapped up and I went over the handle bars, hooking my right arm onto a parked truck. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons that the Lord has placed me in a bike area is for his own entertainment, knowing my legendary bicycling skills.
We had a really cool experience where many of our investigators, namely the Burgara family, Phillip and Meressa, and Patsy Martinez's family, were all gathered together last night to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day and the birthday of Patsy Martinez. It was such a cool gathering! I shared a story from my youth where the Spirit guided me at age 8, saving the life of me and my family. I then shared Mosiah 2:25, which says,

" 25 And now I ask, can ye say aught of yourselves? I answer you, Nay. Ye cannot say that ye are even as much as the dust of the earth; yet ye were acreated of the bdust of the earth; but behold, it cbelongeth to him who created you."
I bore testimony of all of our unity as friends, family, brothers, sisters, and followers of Jesus Christ. It was amazing to hear them bear their own testimonies. Some of them have struggled to even acknowledge The Book of Mormon, and now they bear their own bold witness. I greatly identify with Alma 29:10, which reads,

"10 And behold, when I see many of my brethren truly penitent, and coming to the Lord their God, then is my soul filled with joy; then do I remember awhat the Lord has done for me, yea, even that he hath heard my prayer; yea, then do I remember his merciful arm which he extended towards me."
That scripture was the theme for my Farewell talk for my Mission. I bare my humble, solemn witness, that Jesus is the Christ and this is His work. I find no greater joy than to see my fellow brothers and sisters coming unto our Savior, Jesus Christ. He lives. I invite absolutely everyone to strengthen their testimonies of The Book of Mormon, for it truly is the word of God.

I love you all and thank you for all your loving care and support. May God be with you till we meet again!

Elder Engle

P.S. It's my great sorrow to say that my companion Elder Humpherys will be heading home from his mission very soon. I love him very much and wish him the best of luck as he continues to be a member missionary in Idaho!
Picture #1: My beautiful arm.
Picture #2: My beautiful bike that Elder Jenson is letting me borrow. It's tiny...
Picture #3: Chugging water in preparation for an eating challenge in Albuquerque at the KNI Diner. Also, I was soaking my injured wrist in deliciously hot water.
Picture #4: I splurged on this breakfast. Powerade, Sriracha sauce and eggs...
Picture #5: Charles and I showed Phil our sympathies for the Broncos. Phillip was a loyal Broncos fan to the end...

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